[ 44-33874 ] [ 44-33875 ] [ 44-33876 ] [ 44-33877 ] [ 44-33878 ]
[ 44-33879 ] [ 44-33880 ] [ 44-33881 ] [ 44-33882 ] [ 44-33883 ]
[ 44-33884 ] [ 44-33885 ] [ 44-33928 ] [ 44-33929 ] [ 44-33930 ]
[ 44-33932 ] [ 44-33933 ] [ 44-33940 ] [ 44-33941 ] [ 44-33943 ]
[ 44-33944 ] [ 44-34043 ] [ 44-34054 ] [ 44-34071 ] [ 44-34088 ]
[ RAAF Catalina A24-109* ] [ PBY-5A BuNo 48393 ]
[ PBY-5A BuNo 48401]
SerNos in Orange - lost in combat. |
Wingspan: 104
Length: 63 ft. 10"
Height: 20 ft. 1"
Weight: 36,400 Lbs loaded
Armament: Two
.50-cal. machine guns in the waist and one .30-cal. machine gun in the nose.
Maximum speed: 184 mph
Cruising speed: 105 - 120 mph
Engines: (2) Pratt
& Whitney R-1830-92 "Twin Wasp" radials of 1,200 horsepower each.
Range: 2,325 miles
Service Ceiling: 22,400 ft. |
on them to see the mission report or Squadron History! *Attached
to the 2nd ERS from the Royal Australian Air Force. There were a total of 230 OA-10's built by Canadian Vickers and
delivered to the USAAF. They were serial numbers 44-33868 to 44-34097. |
publicized except as a sub hunter the Army Air Force Emergency Air Rescue Squadrons found
the famed Catalina flying boat capable of doing a lot more than dropping depth
When naming Army Air Force planes of WWII one automatically recalls "Mustang"
and "Thunderbolt" fighters, "Flying Fortress" and
"Liberator" heavy bombers, or "Mitchell" or "Marauder"
mediums but what about "Catalinas"? Navy planes you say. Yes, but Army Air
Forces too. They were part of a little known and seldom remembered AAF component -the Emergency Rescue Squadrons. They served with distinction saving lives in
the Pacific and out of England also. These Vickers OA-10A Catalinas, Canadian built
versions of the Consolidated PBY-5A, were not just there they were in the heart of the
operations it was the wonderful Catalinas of the Army Air Force that did the yeomen work.
Attached to the 5th Air Force, the cats of the 3rd and 6th
ERSs did just as much. There were also four other Emergency Rescue Squadrons
the 4th stationed at Iwo Jima to serve the 20th Air Force, and the 5th
serving with the 8th Air Force in England. The 1st ERS in the
Mediterranean and the 7th ERS that operated in the CBI (China-Burma-India) theatre.
Fighter and bomber crews were plucked from the endless waters of the South Pacific, from
atolls and from island beaches and returned safely to their units.
all, during the war, the Army Cats saved the lives of almost one thousand men. Yet
amazingly, not one of these magnificent squadrons is listed in the official book of the
USAAF combat squadrons! They have really been forgotten except by those men who owe
their lives to the Army Cats and their crews. Known as the Snafu Snatchers
this squadron was the first AAF unit of its kind in the Pacific. In July 1944, it was
assigned to the 5th AF from which it was assigned to the 13th Air
Force in October 1944. Using their OA-10As the 2nd Emergency
retrieved close to 560 airmen from death or capture during its tenure in the Pacific.
HISTORY - The prototype Catalina first flew on March 28, 1935.
It was produced by Consolidated Aircraft Corporation in both seaplane and amphibious
versions. Catalinas were also produced by CANADIAN
VICKERS, LTD. and the Naval
Aircraft Factory. Eventually nearly 2,500 Catalina derivatives were built for the Navy.
Approximately 380 were transferred to the AAF as OA-10s, OA-10A's, and OA-10B's or in some
cases, with their original Navy designations. Catalinas also were flown by a number of
allied nations during and after WWII.
From its
introduction to U.S. Naval service in 1936, through its continued international military
use into the 1970's, to the recent retirement of the last civilian fire-bomber, the
Consolidated PBY Catalina has served a distinguished career as one of the
most rugged and versatile aircraft in U.S. history. It was created in response to the U.S.
Navy's 1933 request for a prototype to replace the Consolidated P2Y and the Martin P3M
with a new patrol-bomber flying boat with extended range and greater load capacity.
The Catalina was created under the guidance of the brilliant aero-engineer Isaac
Macklin Laddon. The new design introduced internal wing bracing, which greatly reduced the
need for drag-producing struts and bracing wires. A significant improvement over its
predecessors, it had a range of 2,545 miles, and a maximum take-off weight of 35,420 lbs.
In 1939 the Navy considered discontinuing its use in favor of proposed replacements. The
Catalina remained in production, however, because of massive orders placed by Britain,
Canada, Australia, France, and the Netherlands. These countries desperately needed
reliable patrol planes in their eleventh-hour preparations for WW II. Far from replacing
the PBY, the Navy placed its largest single order since WW I for an aircraft.
Over the years, numerous
improvements were made to the design. An amphibious version, the PBY-5A, was developed in 1939, through the addition of a retractable tricycle
undercarriage. The PBY-6A featured hydrodynamic improvements designed by the
Naval Aircraft Factory. The Soviet Union produced a license-built version for their Navy
called the GST and powered by Mikulin M-62 radial engines. Boeing
Aircraft of Canada built the PB2B-1
and PB2B-2 ("Canso"), and a derivative of the PBY-5A
was built by Canadian Vickers. In US Army Air Force service, the aircraft was known as the
OA-10A (PBY-5A) and OA-10B
(PBY-6A). The Royal Air Force's Coastal Command flew Catalinas under the designations Catalina Mk I/II/III/IV.
A total
of approximately 4000 Catalinas were built between 1936 and 1945. Because of their
worldwide popularity, there was scarcely a maritime battle in WW II in which they were not
involved. The PBY had its vulnerabilities: it was slow, with a maximum speed of 180 mph,
and with no crew armor or self-sealing tanks, it was highly vulnerable to anti-aircraft
attack. However it was these weaknesses, coincident with the development of effective
radar, and Japanese reliance on night transport, which led to the development of the
"Black Cat Squadrons." These crews performed nighttime search and attack
missions in their black-painted PBYs. The tactics were spectacularly successful and
seriously disrupted the flow of supplies and personnel to Japanese island bases. The
Catalinas also proved effective in search and rescue missions, code-named
"Dumbo." Small detachments (normally of three PBYs) routinely orbited on
stand-by near targeted combat areas. One detachment based in the Solomon Islands rescued
161 airmen between January 1 and August 15, 1943, and successes increased steadily as
equipment and tactics improved. After WW II, the PBY continued its search and rescue
service in many Central and South American countries, as well as in Denmark, until the
The Catalina has also proved useful
in civilian service: in scheduled passenger flights in Alaska and the Caribbean, in
geophysical survey, and mostly, in fire-bombing for the U.S. Forest Service until the
recent retirement of the last PBY. Through its long and varied service, the Consolidated
PBY Catalina has earned its reputation as the workhorse of naval aviation.
The PBY Catalina got its name from
the British who used it extensively during WW2 after the United States delivered a large
quantity via the lend-lease program which was instituted before the United States entered
the war. The lend lease program allowed war materials to be provided to embattled Britain
and later Russia, with payment due at a later time. The British, who at the time were hard
pressed for equipment and money, owe much to the lend lease program. As for the PBY
designation, P is for patrol, B is
for Bomber, Y is the USA military designation for the
manufacture, Consolidated. The PBY was made in 7 major versions and produced over a
considerable period of time from the 30s thru the 40s and continues to be
actively used by civilian organizations for a variety of purposes even today. The PBY-6,
which was the final version of the PBY was a twin engine amphibian with 2 Wright R1830 18
cylinder engines capable of manifesting 1200 horse power (T.O.) and a maximum speed of
between 175 and 195 miles an hour (depending on sub variant and configuration).
typical cruising speed of the PBY was 105 to 120 miles per hour. The aircraft had an
enormous range and loitering capability with an over all range from 2,500 to 2,900 miles
and a service ceiling of 15,000 to 18,000 feet. The PBY is a large high wing monoplane
with a total wingspan of 104 ft. and a total wing area of 14,000 square feet. The aircraft
measures in at 63 feet 10 inches and has a gross weight of 31,800 pounds to 36,000 pounds.
The PBY-6 also came equipped with a radar array fitted in a tear drop shaped pod above and
just behind the cockpit. While the Catalinas came with a wide variety of weapons
positions and capabilities, the standard armament was a semi flexible .50 caliber machine
gun in each dorsal blister firing from removable drums of ammunition, a semi flexible .50
caliber machine gun in a tunnel gun facing aft and down and a forward .30 mounted in a
revolving turret in the nose, just below the cockpit wind screen. The Catalina also
carried hard points under the wings for a variety of weapons including but not limited to
aerial torpedoes, depth charges and a variety of bombs. Some of the variety of other
armaments the PBY was fitted with included the replacement of the front turret with a more
aerodynamic turret firing 1 or 2 .50 caliber machine guns, giving the forward armament
considerably harder punch. Also the dorsal guns, which where fitted in large teardrop
shaped glass blisters, where sometimes fitted with an impressive twin .50 caliber machine
gun system, giving heavy side and rear area coverage.
One problem the consistently plagued the slow
and unmanageable aircraft was the large dorsal blisters. Since the dorsal guns fired
canisters instead of belted ammunition, the gunner was required to travel up to the next
compartment to bring back a new canister, since the guns were in large glass blisters, the
pilots of attacking fighters could actually see when the gunners would run out of ammo and
would attack as the gunner went forward to get more ammo. This was sometimes remedied by
replacing the canister guns with guns capable of firing belts of ammo, but the problem
still persisted as a wary fighter pilot could see when the gunners belt expired and would
attack as he loaded a new one. The early PBY's were very different than the PBY 5
and 6 models which came later and saw so much service in the Second World War.The original
PBY's had no landing gear and were strictly flying boats. They could be brought on shore
by adding beaching gear, a set of removable wheels. The early PBY's was primarily serviced
by ships called seaplane tenders that could lift the plane out of the water and bring it
on board for service. The early PBYs also did not have dorsal blisters but instead
had small windows that could be pulled back exposing the gun and the pilot to the air
stream. The PBY's primary goal was maritime patrol and anti shipping, although as
the war developed it was quickly show to be very vulnerable to air attacks and anti
aircraft artillery and ceased heavy bombing and anti shipping attacks because of massive
losses. However the PBY's initial work as a patrol aircraft was to prove invaluable as the
aircraft took part in almost every major sea battle in the early part of the war. It was
responsible for sighting the Bismarck and leading to its eventual destruction, for
spotting the Japanese fleets at both Midway and Wake Island and a variety of other
critical battles.
NICKNAMES - "Catalina",
"Canso", "Cat" |