A gold star, 1-1/2 inches in
circumscribing diameter with a laurel wreath encircling rays from the center and a 3/16
inch diameter silver star superimposed in the center. The pendant is suspended from a
rectangular shaped metal loop with rounded corners. The reverse has the inscription
The ribbon
is 1-3/8 inches wide and consists of the following stripes: 3/32 inch Ultramarine Blue
67118; 3/64 inch White 67101; 7/32 inch Ultramarine Blue; 7/32 inch White; 7/32 inch Old
Glory Red 67156 (center stripe); 7/32 inch White; 7/32 inch Ultramarine Blue; 3/64 inch
White; and 3/32 inch Ultramarine Blue.
The Silver Star is awarded to a person who, while serving
in any capacity with the U.S. Army, is cited for gallantry in action against an enemy of
the United States while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing
foreign force, or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in armed conflict
against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party. The
required gallantry, while of a lesser degree than that required for award of the
Distinguished Service Cross, must nevertheless have been performed with marked
distinction. Soldiers who received a citation for gallantry in action during World War I
may apply to have the citation converted to the Silver Star Medal.
following are authorized components of the Silver Star Medal:
a. Decoration (regular size): MIL-D-3943/11.
NSN for decoration set: 8455-00-269-5758. Individual medal: 8455-00-246-3834.
b. Decoration (miniature size): MIL-D-3943/11.
NSN 8455-00-996-5013.
c. Ribbon: MIL-R-11589/136. NSN
d. Lapel Button: MIL-L-11484/9. NSN
a. The
Citation Star was established as a result of an Act of Congress on July 9,
1918 (65th Congress, Sess II, Chapter 143, page 873) and was
promulgated in War Department Bulletin No. 43 dated 1918. It was retroactive to include
those cited for gallantry in action in previous campaigns back to the Spanish-American
War. Per letter from General Jervey, Office of the Chief of Staff, dated February 26,
1926, is quoted in part: The Secretary of War directs as follows - The following is the
amended version of paragraph 187 of Army Regulation: "No more than one Medal of Honor
or one Distinguished Service Cross or one Distinguished Service Medal shall be issued to
any one person, but for each succeeding or act sufficient to justify the award of a Medal
of Honor or Distinguished Service Cross or Distinguished Service Medal, respectively, a
bronze oak leaf cluster, shall be issued in lieu thereof; and for each citation of an
officer or enlisted man for gallantry in action, published in orders from headquarters of
a force commanded by a general officer, not warranting the issue of a Medal of Honor,
Distinguished Service Cross or Distinguished Service Medal, he shall wear a silver star,
3/16 inch in diameter, as prescribed in Uniform Regulations." Army Regulation 600-40,
paragraph 48, September 27, 1921, specified that the Citation Star would be worn above the
clasp, on the ribbon of the service medal for the campaign for service in which the
citations were given.
b. On July 19, 1932, the Secretary of War approved the Silver
Star medal to replace the Citation Star. This design placed the Citation Star on a bronze
pendant suspended from the ribbon design. The star was no longer attached to a service or
campaign ribbon.
c. Authorization for the Silver Star was
placed into law by an Act of Congress for the Navy on August 7, 1942 and an Act of
Congress for the Army on December 15, 1942. The primary reason for congressional
authorization was the desire to award the medal to civilians as well as the Army. The
current statutory authorization for the Silver Star Medal is Title 10, United States Code,
Section 3746.
d. Order of precedence and wear of decorations
is contained in Army Regulation 670-1. Policy for awards, approving authority, supply, and
issue of decorations is contained in Army Regulation 600-8-22.