![]() (April 1943) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the months of April, May, and June 1943 while he was an Aviation Cadet in flight school at Marfa, Texas. He flew the PT-22 during this period. AAFCFTC, - Hemet, California. [See a Ryan PT-22 "Recruit" fly!] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (Apr, May, Jun 1943) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the months of April, May, and June 1943 while he was an Aviation Cadet in flight school at Marfa, Texas. He flew the BT-13 during this period. AAFCFTC, - Marfa, Texas [See a Vultee BT-13 "Reliant" fly!] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (Jun, Jul, Aug 1943) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the months of June, July, and August 1943 while he was an Aviation Cadet in flight school at Marfa, Texas. He flew the AT-17 during this period. AAFCFTC, - Marfa, Texas [See an AT-17 "Kaydet" fly!] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (30 August 1943) |
Orders showing graduates of flight school class 43-H, AAF Pilot School, Marfa Army Airfield, Texas. 2nd ERS personnel: Bormann, Denison, Dickinson, Dixon, Holbrook, Kathman, Nelson, Pennington, Rauschkolb, Remington, Rohlfing, Scott were graduates of this class. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (30 August 1943) |
The graduation announcement for Class 43-H for Squadron members Don Dixon, John Dickinson, Bob Rohlfing, Roy Nelson, James Scott, Harry Remington Jr., Bill Holbrook, & Frank Rauschkolb | |||||||||||||||
![]() (30 August 1943) |
Orders attaching squadron members from Marfa Army Airfield, Texas to Selman Field, Louisiana for the PBY "Project". | |||||||||||||||
![]() (14 September 1943) |
These were the actual orders assigning Frank Rauschkolb to Selman Field, Louisiana for Navigation training. Headquarters, Selman Field, Louisiana. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (September 1943) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of September 1943 while he was in flight school at Marfa, Texas. He flew the AT-7, C-60, and the C-60A-5 during this period. AAFCFTC, - Selman Field, Louisiana. [See a Beech AT-7 "Navigator" and a Lockheed C-60A "Loadstar" fly!] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (9 October 1943) |
These were orders assigned Leroy Nelson, Frank Rauschkolb, and John Denison to Pensacola, Florida for the PBY Transition course that lasted about 6 weeks. Headquarters, Selman Field, Louisiana | |||||||||||||||
![]() (October 1943) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of October 1943 while he was in flight school at Marfa, Texas. He flew the C-60 during this period. AAFCFTC, 41st NTG - Marfa, Texas | |||||||||||||||
![]() (October 1943) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of October 1943 while he was in the PBY transition at Pensacola, Florida. He flew the PBY-2 & PBY-5, during this period. AAFCFTC, 80th Flight Training Wing - Selman Field, Louisiana | |||||||||||||||
![]() (November 1943) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of November 1943 while he was in the PBY transition at Pensacola, Florida. He flew the PBY-2, PBY-5, and PBY-5B during this period. AAFCFTC, 80th Flight Training Wing - Selman Field, Louisiana | |||||||||||||||
![]() (December 1943) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of December 1943 while he was in the PBY transition at Pensacola, Florida. He flew the PBY-2, PBY-5, and PBY-5B during this period. AAFCFTC, 80th Flight Training Wing - Selman Field, Louisiana | |||||||||||||||
![]() (January 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of January 1944 while he was in the PBY transition at Gulfport Field, Mississippi. He flew the PBY-2, PBY-5, and PBY-5B during this period. AAFCFTC, 80th Flight Training Wing - Selman Field, Louisiana. [Map] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (01 February 1944) |
Orders releasing Frank Rauschkolb from Temporary duty at Pensacola, Florida and assignment to the Emergency Air Sea Rescue OTA at Gulfport, Mississippi for continuance of Air Sea Rescue Training. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (February 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of February 1944
while he was in the PBY transition at Pensacola, Florida. He flew the
OA-10A, L-5,
and C-3, and AT-11 during this period.
26th Technical School Group - Gulfport
Field, Mississippi.
[Map] [See an OA-10A and a Beechcraft AT-11] |
![]() (March 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of March 1944
while he was in the PBY transition at Pensacola, Florida. He flew the
OA-10A, and the
Link Instrument Trainer during this period.
26th Technical School Group - Gulfport
Field, Mississippi.
[Map] [See an OA-10A and a the Link Instrument Trainer. |
![]() (21 March 1944)* |
Orders naming members of the Second Emergency Rescue Squadron as PRINCIPAL PILOTS on the OA-10, AT-11, and the L-5 aircraft. 2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron, Gulfport Field, Mississippi [Map] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (31 March 1944)* |
Transferred squadron from Gulfport Field, Miss. to Keelser Field, Miss. - Issued by Headquarters, Technical School and Basic Training Center. Go to Squadron History where this order is mentioned. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (April 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of April 1944
while he was in the PBY transition at Keesler Field, Mississippi. He flew the
OA-10A, and the
AT-11 during this period.
2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron - Keelser
Field, Mississippi.
[Map] [See an OA-10A and a Beechcraft AT-11] |
![]() (11 April 1944)* |
Transferred the ground echelon of the squadron from Keelser Field, Miss. to Camp Stoneman, California - Issued by Headquarters, 2121st AAF Base Squadron Go to Squadron History where this order is mentioned. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (20 April 1944)* |
This is the passenger list of the M/S Roseville which was the ship that carried the 2nd ERS personnel for overseas duty. Go back to the Squadron History where this order is mentioned. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (May 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of May 1944 at Keelser Field, Mississippi. [Map] He did not fly during this period. 2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (June 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of June 1944. He flew the L-4 during this period. 2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron. [See an L-4 fly!] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (July 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of July 1944
while he was in California awaiting transition overseas. He flew the
OA-10A, during this period.
2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron. APO 7682 San
Francisco, California. [See an OA-10A] |
![]() (14 July 1944) |
A roster by the Second Emergency Rescue Squadron that detailed who would be assigned to "B" Flight when they arrived on New Guinea from their trip from the United States. |
![]() (September 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of September 1944 while he was in California awaiting transition overseas. He flew the OA-10A, and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (October 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of October 1944 while he was in the Pacific. He flew the OA-10A, and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (19 October 1944) |
![]() |
![]() (November 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of November 1944 while he was in the Pacific. He flew the OA-10A, and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (December 1944) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of December 1944 while he was in the Pacific. He flew the OA-10A, and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (January 1945) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of January 1945 while he was in the Pacific. He flew the OA-10A, and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (28 January 1945) |
These orders awarded the Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster(s) to members of the Second Emergency Rescue Squadron. Headquarters, Far East Air Forces. [Top] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (17 February 1945) |
2nd ERS member 1st Lieutenant James F. Scott was issued the Silver Star Medal. Other squadron members were issued the Distinguished Flying Cross as well as the Air Medal for a mission on 22 October 1944. Issued by Headquarters, Far East Air Forces. [Microfilm copy] |
![]() (February 1945) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of February 1945 while he was in the Pacific. He flew the OA-10A, and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (March 1945) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of March 1945 while he was in the Pacific. He flew the OA-10A/PBY-5A, B-25 and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (02 March 1945) |
Orders This was a certificate stating that Frank Rauschkolb served during WWII with the 2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron and flew combat missions in the Southwest Pacific. Signed by Harry Remington - 2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron Operations Officer | |||||||||||||||
![]() (5 March 1945) |
These orders awarded the Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster(s) to members of the Second Emergency Rescue Squadron. Headquarters, Far East Air Forces. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (20 March 1945) |
Orders recommending that Frank Rauschkolb be returned to the Unitd States. Signed by Ben Mathis - 2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron Operations Officer | |||||||||||||||
![]() (May 1945) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of May 1945 while he was at Keesler Field, Mississippi. [Map] He flew the OA-10A/PBY-5A, B-25 and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (June 1945) |
Individual flight record for Frank Rauschkolb for the month of June 1945 while he was at Keesler Field, Mississippi. [Map] He flew the OA-10A/PBY-5A, B-25 and the L-5 during this period. [See an OA-10A "Catalina" and an L-5 "Sentinel"] | |||||||||||||||
![]() (11 July 1945)* |
![]() |
![]() (23 July 1945) |
This General Order awarded the 13th Emergency Rescue Group the Battle Participation Credit (star on their Asiatic - Pacific Campaign Medal) for the Southern Philippines Campaign. Issued by Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Pacific. |
![]() (28 August 1945) |
This General Order awarded the 13th Emergency Rescue Group the Battle Participation Credit (star on their Asiatic - Pacific Campaign Medal) for the Western Pacific Campaign. Issued by Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Pacific. |
![]() (19 September 1945)* |
2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron members were awarded the Air Medal, and Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster. Issued by Headquarters, Far East Air Forces. [Microfilm copy] |
![]() (28 September 1945)* |
2nd ERS was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation by the Headquarters, Far East Air Forces for outstanding performance from 1 April to 15 April 1945. [Microfilm copy] |
![]() (No date) |
Army Air Force Song. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (No date) |
Pamphlet on flying airplanes. | |||||||||||||||
![]() (No date) |
Pamphlet on ditching procedures taken from recent events. | |||||||||||||||
[Top...] |